Milton Hayward - Predict Increase in Gold demand in China
Released on: June 11, 2008, 10:06 am
Press Release Author: Total Release
Industry: Financial
Press Release Summary: A spokesperson for Milton Hayward forecasts increasing demand forgold in the developing world.
Press Release Body: According to sources close to the venture capital firm, Milton Hayward; John Cannon of Milton Hayward recently stated that although gold prices have been rising, this does not necessarily mean that it will curb demand, especially in emerging markets such as China.
Milton Hayward's chief analyst apparently commented that global gold demand is increasing steadily with strong economic growth in developing countries, but that the supply of the metal is stable - thereby creating a deficit.
A Milton Hayward spokesperson reportedly said gold prices will remain unsteady in the short-term, but that there is plenty of room for them to rise long-term.
Gold demand has been increasing of late in China and Russia, a fact which has helped to retain favor for gold bullion.
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